
Blog posts October 2009

French Lancer conversion

Here a conversion of a French lancer, i used the Italeri French Dragoons main body and i made the details with greenstuff i will sculpt the officer and i will cast them.

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Jena : a poem

i just received this beautiful poem (in italian) by my older and mor beloved friend Stefano Bonfreschi, painter in Modena,

it is an honor to post it here.


JENA, 14 ottobre 1806 

la terra
era così nera
che pareva notte
e miriadi di pezzi
quasi come stelle
volavano nell’aria

fumavano i cavalli
e rimbombava il cielo
nella carica

ma io
rimasi indietro

quasi mi fossi rotto

sentivo sulla lingua
un denso gusto
di polvere da sparo e di sudore
che associai
per una volta ancora
con l'ultimo sapore
che ha 

la nostalgia 

Thank you Stefano

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My first resin casts

  After years of thoughts, finally i made my first molds and casts of toy soldiers, the technique works very fine and the detail is excellent, i first casted an French officer horse  , after i started the first Austrian Jagers conversions which went quite fine although while making i could  think of small adjustments to improve the work.      

I'm now busy with a conversion of Austrian Hussars which i found a big missing item in the production, 


This is my first own casted piece painted.... good result i think... isn't it?


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3 blog posts