
Blog posts March 2012

Other test painted

I tried also this Neapolitan Guardsman, the back pack, cartridge pouch and sabre are a part piece, here the paint test as Granatiere and Velite della Guardia.

Despite the sculpture (which was one of the first) has some small problems of proportions, the painted ones are very impressive.

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Painted test cast

here the painted one

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The first test shots!!!!

Yes, the dream is close to come true !!!!  I had the first test shot in resin, and it is Fantastic!!!! Details and precision are the same as the original, so let's start with production. In the end of the month i have a meeting for the metal test casting too.

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First Pack Horse

Here the first pack horse of the Austrian Cavalry artillery, plus an artilleryman.

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Austrian Artillery Pack horses

Here the WIP of pack horses of the Austrian artillery

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5 blog posts