
Blog posts July 2015

Austrian Cavalry Artillery and train test painted, ready to go in the shop

Some painted pics of the tests.

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Franznap & Westfalia 1/72 Guns and Carriages

As mentioned long time ago, finally Franznap will have available in the shop, Guns and carriages under the joined logo with Westfalia 1/72. The first to come will be the French AnXI 6pdr Gun and Ammunition Caisson, and the Austrian Wurst Gun, they will go with the new artillery sets soon available in the shop.

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Austrian Artillery and train are coming

The first test casts of the Austrian artillery train and Cavalry artillery are come from the production. We are doing some technical adjustments and corrections  and hope soon to sell them in the shop. There are 3 sets : Train Artillery Galloping , made of 6 horses and 4 crew; Cavalry Atrillery team mounting the gun With 5 crew , plus the fun carriage  original to fit the men, and the gun barrel with transport  protection, both adapted from the Westfalia ones; Finally a small command train Command set made by mounted Officer and NCO. A fourth set with the Pack Horses galloping is also available and can be added to the previous set with the Pack horses in down loading ammunition position.

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3 blog posts