Just for fun this officer of the Chasseurs a Cheval and his darling. I'm thinking to cast it as limited edition.

Blog posts : "172 scale miniatures"
Guides de Bonaparte head
Yestrday i tried a new technique for sculpting headgears i learned from my german friends, here the first result... may be will be followed by the entire figure...
The shop is open for a test ride
The shop will be open for few days in order to learn the process, we have few sets still available so hurry up and get them. For the unlucky ones who can't find what they where looking for, don't worry, in few weeks we will try to provide you with a full stock.
Napoleon crossing the Alps by David
All the first months of the year used for hand finishing the first products in resin, a very frustrating and boring job.... So i thought of reproducing the famous Jaques Louis David painting of the Alps Crossing, he made 5 different versions between 1801 and 1805. I will made a Limited Edition of it.
Some new French Line Horse Artillerymen 1800
Here 3 new figures of the French Horse Artillery of the line 1800, i want to do 2 sets of seven servants each , firing and loading, and a set of mounted ones, plus some specials. here from the loading team: the N.1 loader ,the N.3 vent servant and the n.6 ammunition support.
1806 Saxon mounted officers masters finished
Here the final shot of the masters, i'm adding 1 more arm with cane which can be used for both the officers.
Saxon mounted officers
I'm sculpting 2 mounted officers of the Saxon Army 1806 which can be added to the HAT ones or other 1/72 saxons. I intend to sculpt a general and an infantry officer.
HAT Saxon Grenadiers
Bach from holidays took out from the bench these Hat test shots which were laying there from ages, i enjoyed painting again after months of sculpting, i think despite the bold appearance, these miniatures are nice to paint; i had particularly fun in painting the white uniforms trying to difference the shades of the different clothes and to weather them as in campaign..... it must have been a nightmare to keep clean and tidy white uniforms in that time, i not envy them!
Austrian Hussars Casualties
Here a new project for Franznap Miniatures, I have some good ideas i i want to realize, as a small series in resin.
Masters French Lancers ready
French Lancers of the line ready for production! I made upgrades from the first masters, added 2 more lancers, added plumes , added more horses, each one different. The production will be in 2 sets, command (3 mounted ) and Team (4 mounted figures) and with the addition of a single mounted Lancer in greatcoat, and a set of accessories , spare heads and arms to allow different customization. The horses are quite realistic and well proportioned and in standing pose.
I'm thinking in the future to produce spare horses in different movements, but later on.....
First Neapolitan Staff test shots
Finally after having develop a homemade centrifugal casting machine i tried to cast a first sprue with the Neapolitan Staff, i will complete the series soon with a new mounted ADC in addition (to fill the mold). Here i had the emotion to paint my first ever sculpted miniatures : left a Guardia del Corpo and a Captain of the General Staff of King Murat.