
Blog posts : "horse artillery"

French Horse Atrillery of the Line 1806 Second SetFranznap

Here the unfinished masters of the second set of the FHA of the line. Firing

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French artillery horse holder masters finished

A lot of boting work for finishing all the details of the masters, in the view of production.
This set is finally done... all details done, ready for the queue of set done.

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First team french line horse Artillery almost ready

Here the first set of the French Line horse Artillery 1806, loading team, 7 figures, sabres and sabretaches must be sculpted but i'm thinking to keep them as separate pieces in order to have more details and less undercut points.

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More horse artillery

Proceeding with the sculpt of these fellows, i started some mounted ones which will be set with cantering horses. Here some test horses which come from my production, (my system allows almost 1000 different poses). These mounted ones are slightly bigger (1mm) from the standing ones because i used as base some own caste spare bodies. I will recover the problem in the following.

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First sculpts of French Line Horse Artillery

I'm fulfilling a long ago desire, to reproduce the beautiful horse artillerymen from Lejeune, with their flamboyant  hussar style uniform, the one used since 1806/9. I would like to make a complete set with mounted ones and in loading aiming and firing action,  may be with some train horses cantering or standing..... may be i will be bored after a while.... who knows;anyway this will be part of my future production i hope.

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5 blog posts