Here a new work from the workbench: the Don Cossacks , here in 3 different sets of four figures each, charging, skirmishing and command. They ride light horses and have separate arms to bring multiple choices of pose. There are also additional spare heads to change them in Ural cossacks, or irregular ones. Will follow some more sets pillaging scouting ...... i am figuring out their poses now.

Blog posts : "napoleonic"
Expanding range of the French Infantry 1812
I am working now to enlarge the range of the French Infantry of the line, for this reason i am making figures on firing line, casualties, with overalls, and several sets of spare headset go with it. These sets will be available in mid 2021.Here a small sneak preview.
The Vivandieres are Coming !!!
Finally 3 sets of French Vivandieres are ready to go for sale , we have a set of 6 figures in different fashions, and a set including 2 figures with their carriage, and finally a mounted one feeding her baby, a limited edition in 100 numbered copies inspired by a painting of Albrecht Adam.
French Light Infantry at Ease
The new French Light Infantry, 1809 / 1812 will come in 3 sets , chasseurs and command, plus a mounted officer, we produced also separate heads (see Accessories) to make Carabiniers and Voltigeurs. The figures are in at ease positions and some with shoulder arm position. total of 14 figures and a mounted one.
Naked Horses and Spare Saddlecloths ready
For the next spring release we have ready for you 36 different naked horses, and a series of more than 20 detached saddlecloths to go with. The horses are divided in 2 groups, light and heavy, 4 poses per group, standing, walking, trotting and galloping, 4 horses per pose, plus a set of wounded and dead horses.The saddlecloths are for now the french ones, light and heavy cavalry, the British and Austrian ones, we are working on other nations too. It will be possible to choose both the nation an the pose and ass the riders.
Bavarian Artillery Train Test Casts
The Bavarian Artillery with Manson Ordnance is ready for production, several sets with figures and guns. Here the Horse team with 6 horses and the Drivers or Fuhrwesen composed of 4 figures.soon available in the shop.
Austrian Cavalry Artillery Firing, Loading and Command Ready
With the last set , the Command one, we have completed the Austrian Cavalry Artillery. Soon Available for Purchase.
Bavarian Artillery sets Masters Ready
Following the realisation of the Manson Ordnance, the masters of 7 sets are now at the producer for testing and moulding: 2 train sets, including a horse team of 6 horses, and a drivers team of 4 figures, plus 5 sets of light artillery, including the limber crew, the team sitting on the wurst, 2 sets manning the gun, loading and firing and a Command set including a wounded figure.
Austrian Cavalry Artillery Firing and Loading
Here the 2 sets of Austrian Cavalry Artillery Firing and Loading, 6 figure each to go with the existing set of team riding the wurst Gun . Ready to go on test production.
French Train Drivers in Greatcoat
Here an addition of the Train Drivers, these miniatures can be used both as Artillery train and Train des Equipages ones.
Baden Garde du Corps Test painted
Here the test painted of the Baden Garde du Corps, in the uniform of 1809; 2 sets with 4 mounted miniatures each, in parade dress, troopers and command, it will follow an accessory set of heads with later headgear (1813/14)
Lithuanian Tartars new masters
Here the new realisation of Lithuanian Tartars. This unit was raided in the occasion of the Russian campaign in 1812 but was almost totally annihilated there, so it was raised again and placed under the Guard Scouts regiment. Because of the different uniforms and shortage of reliable uniform description i took a safe position mainly with the horses clothing using the standard guard lancers ones. Together with the 2 default sets of Troopers and Command i will made a 3rd et with more exotic uniforms and scouting poses.and may be an additional set only with horsed with the original saddlecloths of 1812.
Baden Light Dragoons Test Painted
Here the painted test casts of the next 3 sets available in the Fall release. The arms with sword are detached to allow different poses. Here depicted in the 1809 uniform.
Baden Light Dragoons Skirmishing & wounded
I added one set more to the Baden light dragoons; 4 mounted figures with 2 skirmishing Dragoons and 2 wounded. Of the first two one is shooting on foot, with his horse beside, and the other is mounted charging his gun, of the second two one is hit while riding, and the second is walking back holding his wounded arm. I hope you like them.
Saxon Generals 1806 masters ready
Finally after several years waiting in the shelf, i finished this set, made of 6 mounted figures: 1 commander, I general, 1 Dragoon officer, 1Hussar officer, 1 Cuirassier officer and 1 Hussar escort. The uniforms are the early ones for the Napoleonic period, and can be used for the 1806 campaign but also for the 1809.
Baden Light Dragoons masters ready
The first part of Baden Cavalry, the Light Dragoons masters are ready, will follow Garde du corps and Hussars. Troopers set with 4 mounted figures and Command set also with 4 mounted figures; will follow a special set with some wounded and skirmishing.