
Blog posts October 2012

Spare heads test

I tried some dimensional test with  a beautiful Zwezda grenadier body, here the result with some of the already realized heads; it is funny but the headgear was a part of the uniform which could variate so much, if we trust  see the many sources sources of the Napoleonic era... 


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More Spare Heads

While i'm busy with my first 28mm sculpt and with spare horses, i did some more spare heads.

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Horses Horses Horses.....

Just keeping trained in my favorite work:
i'm now doing some  horses for a preparation work,
i will cast some copies and transform them in different
units, as artillery, hungarian saddles etc...
I'm doing the different movements, standing, walking,
trotting, cantering, galloping , and falling;
i will produce spare horses sets .

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two new Marines de la Garde

almost the set done, with two advancing Marines , trumpet and Flag bearer, i need to do the quartermaster and the porte fanion

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4 blog posts